Why Writing Skills Are Important?
Writing is useful in many areas of life to be successful. For doing any official work or paperwork, you will need good writing skills to perform the task. However good writing skills can do much more than just that for you. In fact, it is one of the most important skills to have in your life that will help you improve various aspects of your life and be more successful as well.
Importance of writing:
- Writing ability is one of the greatest invention or development of human beings. Over the years, writing has helped humans coordinate in a better way, analyse a lot of data, be more informed and also to conserve our knowledge for generations to come. All this has helped us to not only evolve genetically, but also evolve in knowledge sphere in art, culture, science and in everything else.
- Writing regularly prompts you to write in way that is clearly understood by others. Therfore overtime, writing imporves your communication ability. It provides you the ability to easily explain yourself to others. Overtime you are able to get yourself heard by more people and be a person whose presence is not neglected.
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- Better communication abilities gained through writing also gives you a way to teach, inform and educate others.
- Writing about your personal experiences requires you to think about your situations from several perspectives and in more detail. This lets you foucs on things that many would generally miss. Writing thus helps you to introspect and understand yourself and those around you in a better way.
- Writing can also help you develop your overall pesonality. Writing regularly prompts you to be better at communication, at organizing your thoughts, at analyzing data, at creativity, at conceiving new ideas and thereby improving you overall personality.
Tips to improve writing skills:

- Before writing, always make a rough draft of what you want to write. Put all the important thoughts and facts there and organise them in a proper sequences. Re-read your draft. Consider what is the most important point that you want to convey thorugh your writing, and whther the draft is able to convey that idea clearly or not. Also see if any thing needs to be added or reduced and make the changes to the draft as necessary.
- When you are writing, you should ensure that you do not rush through your sentences. Instead, you should make sure that you build up your sentences gradually. It will help you retain the ideas that you are trying to express and also help the readers to absorb them properly.
- While writing, pay a good deal of attention to your language. Keep your language simple and avoid using technical jargons if not absolutely necessary. Do not use too many metaphors or similes either. After writing each sentence and paragraph, try to read what you have written from the point of view of your readers and see if they will be able to understand it clearly or not. Then make the necessary changes.
- Do not bore the reader. Try to keep things intresting by writing in a more creative yet simple language. Add some humour or some intresting facts or anything that can keep the reader intrested. Also try to develop the art of maintaining suspense. It is always better to not reveal too much in the beginning of the article itself, but first create a feeling of curiousity in the readers and then answer them at the later parts.
- When you are writing, always remember that it is not about you but your topic. It is not a show or a reflection of you. Therefore, you should not make it about yourself. Instead, it would be best to show your readers how they can benefit from the information you share with them.
Wonderful points altogether, and let’s not forget, because it is amazing to do. I love writing!!